Spe family day camp

The main concern for the Society of Petroleum Engineers Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS Student Chapter, SPE-UTP- SC has always been to
provide a platform for us students to equip themselves with both knowledge
and soft-skills, as our motto is “We Learn, We Serve, We Lead”. This year, in
order to produce leaders who are all rounded with high-quality calibre as well
as good critical thinking, we have come up with SPE Family Day Camp. This
event is held within our campus, with the full participation of SPE-UTP-SC
committee members.
“SPE Family Day Camp” which is a one day event, consisting of sharing sessions, workshops, team building games and fun interactive activities for the benefits of the
committee members. The main objective of this event is to promote unity in
the SPE-UTP-SC committee board by letting them mingle around with the
committee members apart from their respective departments. In an
atmosphere of terrific fun, they can discover a host of benefits such as new
ways of learning, improved communication abilities, stronger mutual support
and understanding.
Throughout the event, communications and sharing of knowledge and ideas
will bring the committee members together and at the same time prepare
themselves upon working as a team in SPE-UTP-SC.
To introduce the new Advisor of SPE-UTP-SC to the newly elected committee board.
To allow all committee members to get to know each other despite their positions and departments and to create bonding among them.
To promote unity among the SPE-UTP-SC committee members.
To let the new committees members know more about SPE-UTP-
To demonstrate and instil SPE-UTP-SC organisational values and
To enhance communication amongst committee members and their abilities to operate as a team.
To develop mutual understanding and trust amongst team
To provide a platform for committee members to engage in fun and meaningful activities together.
To create a medium for sharing of ideas and knowledge between committee members.