SPE PDPU Student Chapter competition
On behalf of SPE PDPU Student Chapter we share this for our SPE Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Student Chapter followers for those who are interested to join SPE PDPU Student Chapter competition.
Greetings from SPE PDPU Student Chapter!
The fourth edition of PDPU SPE Fest is just around the corner and with immense pleasure, we would like to launch our first event: "Vlog Fair - Video Blogging competition"
The theme for this year's competition is "Fire and Ice".
The participants should present two contrasting and incongruous aspects of a subject in their vlog. Two antithetical and opposing ideas shall be juxtaposed in a creatively meaningful manner.
Interested participants may send their entries to "submissions.spepdpu@gmail.com"
The entries will be evaluated and then uploaded on our Facebook page. Each entry will be judged by the number of likes and shares on the post and by an independent judge. There are prizes worth Rs. 3000 to be won in this contest.